Sunday, April 27, 2008

Volleyball Equals Teamwork

By Leo (Mingxi Jiang), Evo-A

Volleyball is a 12 man sport which needs a lot of teamwork. A regular game would have 2 teams of six players separated by an 8ft net. The six men of each team need rotate positions throughout the game. They move clockwise one spot when their own team starts serving. Each team would have a setter, passers, and hitters. The Passers’ job is to pass the first ball after the opponent serves or dig the ball when opponent hits. The setter, a team usually has 1 or 2 setters on court, needs to set the volleyball to the hitters from the 1st pass. Obliviously, the hitters hit the volleyball hard over the net and try to score. Each of the games would have total 25 points. The first team reaches 25pt wins. The whole match would be the best out of 3 games or best out of 5 games.
The most important concept of volleyball is teamwork. The players can’t hit the ball twice in a row. This means that a play in volleyball games always needs to be run with 2 or 3 players. The rest of the players also need to get ready on the defensive positions. In a game, communication is also a key to succeed. When players receive the ball, they need to communicate so they other players would know and leave the ball. The hitters need to talk to the setter so that he would know where to set the hitters. In a way, volleyball is built on communication and team work.
If any of you like sports, and are willing to train you teamwork and communication skills, you can join the school volleyball team. The season is already in progress. Feel free to join the team if you are interested. The team has practice everyday after school from 3:30 to 6:00 in the 2nd floor gym. You can also check our stat and record on the school website - School resources, sports.

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