Sunday, April 27, 2008

Seniors and Freshmen: a Difference of Opinion

Do you want to know more about what students think of our school?
We asked one freshmen and senior for their opinion.

Freshmen opinion: “Yes, I think MIHS is a really good school, but the school could be better. For example teachers should find more interesting things to improve their teachings skills” he said. In the past year a person learned not so much. He said, “I think I have learned only basic things in each subject.” In his opinion the school does teach well but to could teach much harder stuff, just like in the other schools. He thinks that MIHS is a really good school, and he can succeed if teachers would give more materials. But he knows that he can go for with his education if he will try. He also likes how friendly other students and teachers are, so he’s not planning to leave the school.

Senior opinion: as a person stayed in this school for almost 4 years she tells us her opinion. She said, “MIHS is a good school because you can learn a lot of English and teachers are willing to help students with English and in other subjects that students need help with. In this school teachers give a lot of projects and essays.” In the senior year a lot of students have to work hard, especially in our school, because seniors have to create a portfolio. She has learned what to do to get into college and how to keep up her grades. She said, “Students like us can succeed in education and go to really good colleges, like a lot of seniors have.” She believes that she can go far even thought English is her second language. From the beginning she didn’t give up, and she didn’t quit. She stayed because she knew that she had to learn English and succeed in the US.
When you are freshmen you think a lot about what will happen later on in school or if this school is good enough for you to reach high universities or colleges. Later on when you are a senior, you know that the work you have done was for your own good and you will appreciate it. All the questions that you had, in freshmen year will be answered during the last years of high school. Most of the freshmen have a negative opinion about the school, but later on they will be thankful for the help and friendship that this school gave them.
By Dorota and Luz

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